It don't feel great be so busy with all the yom tov preparations, that you only get to think about what Pesach is all about when you sit down at the seder.

Right now, the inside of your head probably looks like this ↓

On Seder night, you want it to look like this ↓

Start making the transition now, at Pesach Unboxed 2024!

Pesach Unboxed defined: World-class Maggidei Shiur and presenters on a mission to infuse every scrub with deep meaning and practical  takeaways!

Note: Accessible by phoneline

Choose your Maggid Shiur

Note: Accessible by phoneline

Rabbi Dov


Chinuch & Emunah

Rabbi Elazar


Q & A For Singles

Rabbi Ben

Zion Shafier

Shalom Bayis

Rabbi Avrohom


Mesorah Transmission

Rabbi Daniel



Rabbi Shmuel


Spiritual Growth

Rabbi Yaacov Zvi



Rabbi Chaim


Mesorah Transmission

R' Yosef


Story of Yestzias Mitzraim

Rabbi Moishe


Pesach Finance



Shalom Bayis




Rabbi Shimon



Rabbi Zvi



Rabbi M Rotberg

 & Dr Hillel Peltz

Ozempic & Medications

Which shiur title grabs you?

Title Slides (3).mp4


Is the event live? I have no time to turn up live.

Great question! 

The first shiur is live - The 5-zone, halachic, Pesach-cleaning formula: Banish chametz with confidence and clarity - Part 1 with Rabbi YZ Saberski. You'll be able to pepper him with ALL of your questions on the shiur, if you turn up! (Part 2 will take place on Tuesday)

Of course, you'll get access to the recording, when it's over.

The other shiurim have all been pre-recorded and you'll get access to them by email, linking to the same webpage. (One webpage with ALL the workshops on it, so you can go from one to the next.)

How does the event work?

The minute you enter your email, you get access to the workshop page.

That's the page that all the recorded workshops will be placed... when they are released.

The first three workshops will be released on Sunday, March 13th.

When a workshop is released, you'll get a really interesting email to let you know. We've got our resident humorist, Yitzchok, to do the writing and releasing for the men, and Sara, who has a similar reputation, for the women, so it should be interesting. 

This is too much. I can't watch them all.

This event is designed to be zero overwhelm - you only get access to 3 workshops per day.  Once they are all released, you can listen to all of them as many times as you like, until Pesach rolls around.

Watch or listen while you clean, drive or wait in line for kashering. You'll walk into Pesach prepared for the seder like you have never been before! 

Can I listen on the phone?

Yes. Each email release will have the call-in details included.


 While Halocho Workshop has curated the list of presenters at this event, the organization does NOT endorse the messages shared by our guest presenters, and any questions or concerns should be addressed to the individual presenters.

About Your Host: Halocho Workshop

Halocho Workshop is revolutionary, online program for laymen who wish to master must-know areas of halocho, as far as a layman can go.

The programs are led by Rabbi Yaacov Zvi Saberski, an internationally renowned Moreh Hora'ah, based in Gateshead, UK.

The courses are live and uniquely visual, with captivating slides narrated by Rabbi Saberski.

You can find out more here: